Funniest bangla jokes
Funniest bangla jokes

What do you call someone whose life didn’t change after quarantine? An introvert.What do you call staging a beer in every room of the house? A pub crawl.What did the single guy say to the single woman during lockdown? “If COVID doesn’t take you out, can I?”.

funniest bangla jokes

  • What’s the best part of teaching your children at home? You can’t be fired for drinking on the job.
  • What did one novel coronavirus say to the other? “Oh, the places you’ll see.”.
  • What’s the difference between COVID and politics? Politics doesn’t end after two weeks.
  • How do you socially distance while around family? A high-fiber diet.
  • I’ve gained so much weight during lockdown my bathroom scale is telling me that it can only weigh one person at a time.
  • They kept yelling at me to put on some pants.
  • I thought you had to wear a mask when entering businesses.
  • Did you hear about the guy speculating on hand sanitizer? He was rubbing his hands together.
  • Quarantine has really put a damper on comedy.
  • When I got there, everyone else had clothes on.
  • How did the health experts lie? They said a mask and gloves was enough to go to the grocery store.
  • If you bought 144 rolls of toilet paper in preparation for a 14-day quarantine, you probably should have been seeing a doctor long before coronavirus.
  • Day 121 at home and the dog is looking at me like, “See? This is why I chew the furniture!”.
  • Knock-knock! Who is there? Seriously, don’t touch my door and step back 6 feet.
  • Pollen still coming out during a global pandemic? Read the room!.
  • Nothing like relaxing on the couch after a long day of being tense on the couch.
  • I came into my house, told my dog - we laughed a lot. It was obvious she thought her cat understood her.
  • This morning I saw a neighbor talking to her cat.
  • I’m not talking to myself, I’m having a parent-teacher conference.
  • Since we’re all in quarantine I guess we’ll be making only inside jokes from now on.
  • Dogs previously held in quarantine can now be released.

    funniest bangla jokes funniest bangla jokes

    The World Health Organization announced that dogs cannot contract COVID-19.I never thought the comment “I wouldn’t touch them with a 6-foot pole” would become a national policy, but here we are!.Being quarantined with a talkative child is like having an insane parrot glued to your shoulder.Yesterday I ran out of soap and body wash and all I could find was dish detergent.Pajamas will have you believe all is well in the kingdom. Every few days try your jeans on just to make sure they fit.If I keep stress-eating at this level, the buttons on my shirt will start socially distancing from each other.After years of wanting to thoroughly clean my house but lacking the time, this week I discovered that wasn’t the reason.But look at me now, ma! I’m saving the world! My mom always told me I wouldn’t accomplish anything by lying in bed all day.Today was just the tip of the iceberg, tomorrow romaines to be seen. Ran out of toilet paper and started using lettuce leaves.My husband purchased a world map and then gave me a dart and said, “Throw this and wherever it lands-that’s where I’m taking you when this pandemic ends.” Turns out, we’re spending two weeks behind the fridge.Who’s idea was it to sing “Happy Birthday” while washing your hands? Now every time I go to the bathroom, my kids expect me to walk out with a cake.One of them says to the other, “Mine are so good at social distancing, they won’t even call me.” Two grandmothers were bragging about their precious darlings.


  • Why did the chicken cross the road? Because the chicken behind it didn’t know how to socially distance properly.

  • Funniest bangla jokes